The Municipality of Greenstone has plans, reports and studies in place to work towards a vibrant and growing community.
The Municipality of Greenstone engaged a third-party consultant to develop a strategic blueprint for beautification for the Municipality of Greenstone. The Municipal Beautification Strategy addresses local needs and circumstances, while taking into consideration the Municipality’s ability to fund and support initiatives determined by its Council. The report identifies significant findings in describing the current state of the municipality landscape and, within recommendations its potential revitalized and beautified future state.
The Municipality of Greenstone engaged a third-party consultant to perform a comprehensive review and provide recommendations for the Municipality to move forward with attainable and realistic solutions for housing within the Municipality of Greenstone. The Municipal Housing Strategy has been developed from a community perspective and highlights key findings and recommendations, as well as the Municipal role in attainable housing.
Asset Management Plan
Our Asset Management Plan and Strategic Asset Management Policy outline how we plan to handle aging infrastructure through maintenance and replacement. Asset infrastructure includes roads, bridges, sidewalks, lights and improved water and sewer systems.
Corporate Strategic Plan
The Municipality of Greenstone's Corporate Strategic Plan identifies key priorities for the municipality over the next five years.
Municipal Emergency Plan
Our Municipal Emergency Plan helps protect our community's safety from the effects of a natural, technological, or human-caused emergency. If Council declares an emergency, all Greenstone staff, residents, and emergency services will follow the plan for a coordinated response.
Your responsibility in an emergency
Emergency preparedness begins with you. Learn how you can prepare for any type of emergency. By being ready for emergencies, you help to reduce the impact of a crisis in our community.
Municipal Emergency Management Program |
The Municipal Emergency Management Program strives to improve our level of preparedness. Our Municipal Emergency Plan, adopted by Council, outlines our detailed plan to keep everyone safe. Our initiatives to support the emergency plan include:
Emergency Operations Control GroupIn the event of an emergency, our Emergency Operations Control Group will meet to coordinate an emergency response to keep our community safe. Community Emergency Management CoordinatorThe Community Emergency Management Coordinator manages our emergency preparedness initiatives and ensures our plan is up to date. |
Official Plan
The Official Plan outlines land use planning in the Municipality of Greenstone. Review our Official Plan before you take on a new building or development project.
Water and Wastewater Financial PlanS
The Municipality of Greenstone has developed a Water and Wastewater Financial Plan that outlines our financial position and plans to keep our water infrastructure up to date.
Major development projects are subject to the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act. We often undertake public consultation with the help of a project consultant who assists us through the stages of the Environmental Assessment (EA) process. The EA process is an important part of planning future developments. With respect to waste management in Greenstone, an EA may be required for changes to existing landfill sites or the development of a new site. If we are working on a project, a notice will be advertised on the Municipal website and other media streams required by the Act.
Planning & Consultation for a New Landfill Site |
In 2021 the Municipality retained a landfill engineering consultant to assist the Municipality with the Environmental Assessment required for the development of new regional landfill site. Scroll down to "Greenstone Waste Management Environmental Assessment" for more information on public engagement for this project. |
Closure of the Geraldton Landfill |
In order to comply with Environmental Compliance Approval A7004401 authorizing the operation of the Geraldton Waste Disposal Site (Landfill), the site will be permanently closed effective December 31, 2021. The Municipality will continue with activities required by the Site Closure Plan approved by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks. |
Beardmore Landfill Expansion Project |
Environmental Monitoring Reports for all Municipal Landfills |
The Municipality of Greenstone is conducting an Environmental Assessment process. During this process, engineers and environmental scientists will study ways to reduce and manage waste within the region of Greenstone. The goal is to create a long-term plan to manage and dispose of the Municipality of Greenstone's solid waste.
Three rounds of engagement are planned with the communities of Greenstone, Indigenous groups, and organizations in the area. To learn more about the public engagement process, timeline, and ways to get involved, please click on the tabs below.
KGS Group and Scatliff + Miller + Murray have been retained to assist the Municipality of Greenstone in the development of the plan.
The EA process is split into three rounds of engagement that aligns with key engineering milestones.
- Round 1: Gather feedback on new ways to reduce and manage waste (2022-2024)
- Round 2: Review options & determine a waste management system (current stage)
- Round 3: Identification of the preferred waste management system and site (2024/2025)
If you are interested in learning more about Round 2 of the EA process, please go to the Round 2 Engagement (Current) tab below. The Round 2 input survey closed on July 31, 2024.
Upcoming Events/Critical Updates in 2024
August (In-Development)
- Cultural Values Mapping by Tribal Council: Ginoogaming First Nation and Long Lake #58 First Nation
- In-community First Nation Events at Animbigoo Zaagi'igan Anishinaabek, Ginoogaming First Nation, Long Lake #58 First Nation, Aroland First Nation, and Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek.
Project Contact:
Tony Gallo, KGS Group
Upcoming/Ongoing EventsAugust 2024
Past EVents2024JULY
August 262021KGS Group and Scatliff + Miller + Murrray join the project 2014Greenstone Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Plan Environmental Assessment Terms of Reference Approved
There are four municipal operated landfills in the communities of Geraldton, Longlac, Nakina, and Beardmore. The life expectancies of the three current facilities are based on the current volumes of waste. Current Capacity
WHY IS THIS PROJECT NEEDED?A long-term solution is need for the management of solid waste for the region. Development of this solution requires initiating an Environmental Assessment study to evaluate alternatives for waste management, identification of a preferred system, and selection of a preferred site. The Environmental Assessment process is guided by the Municipality of Greenstone Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Plan Environmental Assessment Terms of Reference. The Terms of Reference was completed in 2013 and approved by Ministry of Environment in 2014/15 . It acts as a road map for the current process including steps required in the study and consultation process. |
Ways to get involvedParticipant Meetings Meetings are planned with targeted stakeholder groups and organizations such as Waste Management Steering Committee, Indigenous Communities, recycling partners, Government representatives, and Industry representatives that have a vested interest in the project, provide related services or programs, or require review of the project or process. In person and online engagement events are planned for the following communities at each round of the project:
The primary goal of Round 2 is to introduce the Waste Management System (WMS) and site selection process to the public in the four sub-areas and surrounding Indigenous communities. Round 2 engagement was initiated in February 2024 after the completion of Round 1 engagement. Cultural Values Mapping with Indigenous communities is happening simultaneously. ROUND 2 OBJECTIVES
To learn more about Round 2 engagement content please review the following documents:
Unable to attend Round 2 in-person or virtual events this 2024 Spring/Summer? See below on how to provide input online instead.
Métis Nation of Ontario and Red Sky Métis Independent Nation chose to attend the Public Open Houses instead of having separate events |
Cultural Values Mapping with Indigenous communities is a critical step that will inform the site selection criteria for the New Waste Management System (WMS) in Round 3. It was initiated at the end of Round 1 engagement and will be completed with Round 2 engagement in Summer 2024. Cultural Values Mapping is being conducted independently by community leadership or the Tribal Council associated with the First Nation with support from the project team as needed. The process developed aims to protect access and ownership of Indigenous cultural values data. Communities involved in this process include:
The primary goal of Round 1 was to introduce the project and EA process and engage the public in the four sub-areas and surrounding Indigenous communities on an overall vision for the new system and gather input on potential opportunities and challenges for the new Waste Management System (WMS). Round 1 engagement was initiated after the distribution of the Notice of Commencement in September 2022 and was completed in January 2024. In addition, Cultural Values Mapping was introduced to all Indigenous communities and initiated in Round 1. ROUND 1 OBJECTIVES
To learn more about Round 1 engagement content please review the following documents: ROUND 1 PUBLIC EVENTS
seniors' services review
The Municipality of Greenstone provides a variety of services to support seniors living across Greenstone, including the communities of Beardmore, Geraldton, Longlac, Nakina and the surrounding rural areas. In March 2020, the Municipality commissioned a consultant to perform a complete Seniors' Services Review.
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