Photo of Student Councillor and Mayor

On Monday, October 28, 2024, Sydney Liscomb signed a Declaration of Office during an Inaugural Ceremony to welcome her as a Student Councillor with the Municipality of Greenstone for the 2024/2025 school year.

The Student Councillor Program provides a unique leadership opportunity and allows them to learn how the municipal level of government works, how citizens are represented, how decisions are made, how the budget is distributed across the municipality, how priorities are established and many other important components of governance. The Student Councillor will attend all Council meetings as a non-voting member (not including In-camera sessions) and will report on agenda issues of interest and concern to youth.

The Municipality advertises the position of Student Councillor every Spring and it is open to students from Geraldton Composite High School (GCHS) and Château-Jeunesse who are in grades 10-12. There is an application process to ensure eligibility and if needed, a student election is held at the respective school. 

Municipal Council and staff wish to welcome Student Councillor Liscomb from Geraldton Composite High School. Congratulations Sydney!

Photo of Student Councillor and Clerk. Student Councillor is signing Declaration of Office.